C Y B E R C O R E  G E N E T I C A  &  B I O C O R E -  TECH



Steer your path through life by our GOLDEN COMPASS the quest for eternal happiness








The Cup of Christ is the Holy Grail, that has never been found, in all searches through the ages.





The CyberCore Geneticasuperfast-nano-computer and BioCore™ combination work together to enhance the life any human so equipped, by multiplying their thinking and communication abilities. So, turbo-charging their brain, with the equivalent of a co-processor.


The nano computer combo is capable of hacking any military satellite, or defence network, but is only used in self-defence by John Storm, in the fight against organized espionage, terrorism and archaeological thefts. For example, when working with Blue Shield and/or UNESCO, or other such agencies to protect the natural or historically important built environment.


CyberCore Genetica is so powerful, it can decode any subjects DNA in seconds. Working with Hal, the Elizabeth Swann's AI system, and the German/Italian virus coding delivery system (a modified form of CRISPR), a person may be genetically modified to cure cancer, using a virus as the delivery mechanism to modify a genome. Provided that the subject is properly supported physically and nutritionally during recovery.


For that, John accidentally discovered that Solar Cola™ and Solar Tonic™ beverages, with protein and other important supplements, worked to restore his giant humpback whale friend: Kulo Luna. The same nutritional concoction also helped John pull through when he was stabbed with the CRISPR virus at the Amazonian base camp of the Neuwelt Rittertum Knighthood, near Manaus - administered by Dan, from his experience working with the marine biologist; Suki Hall.


John is forced to re-engineer himself, following accidental injection with a CRISPR virus intended for Panama. He decides on a few upgrades of his own, to further improved his physical and mental performance. In so doing he becomes a new species: Homo Sapiens Superior, or, Kanis Rex.


The scientific community get to hear of John's amazing new gifts, and call for a meeting, arranged by George Franks. George considers himself to be a modern Knight of the Round Table. He also considers John to be the same. A meeting is arranged with hot debate, during which proofs the marked differences in DNA makeup are shown. The result being that our hero is officially declared a new species. Accepted internationally by the anthropological world. About which there is global news coverage, with African, Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese, EU, Indian and US heads of state congratulating both Storm and Franks on their achievement. 


Russia abstains in a huff, where they (mistakenly) believe their human enhancement programme is more advanced.


John is awarded a Nobel Prize for his researches on the human genome.


Hal was created by, Professor Douglas Storm, to be the protector and guardian of the Swann and his nephew.














ARK, The


The world's most comprehensive digital interactive DNA database



A brain implant that allows communications with digital devices

CyberCore Genetica™ & BioCore™


The most powerful computer system on the planet

Elizabeth Swann


An advanced solar & hydrogen powered trimaran ship

Captain Nemo


The COLREGs compliant autonomous navigation system on ES



The artificially intelligent AI onboard the Elizabeth Swann



The Swann's weapons (Excalibur & Pendragon) targeting system

John Storm


The lead character in this adventure series

Patricia Leopard (Trish)


The reincarnated, former Queen Cleopatra, Pharaoh of Egypt

Dan Hawk


Computer genius, programmer and electronics design



Storm's hybrid Cherokee 4x4, classic vehicle conversion



The ship's cat, sacred Temple animals, Ancient Egyptian

Pope Peter Benedict


The Bishop Supreme, Catholic Church, The Vatican

Solar Cola™ & Solar Tonic™


A brand of healthy beverages, John Storm is partial to

UK Prime Minister, Edward John Thomas


UK's leading politician (Honest Johnson) a truthful candidate

US President Lincoln George Truman


Supreme Commander, US military

Professor Douglas Storm


John's inventive genius uncle

George Franks


John's mentor, a solicitor with Swindles & Gentry

Charley Temple


An investigative reporter and good friend to John

Jill Bird


BBC TV worlds news service presenter










Harold Holland


Chief Constable, Scotland Yard (corrupt cop)

General Sir Rodney Dunbar


MI6, head of human enhancement

Jack Mason


CIA, sometimes double agent

Musket (Klusky) Meloni


The world's richest, most powerful man (civilian)

Roberta Ferrara


Italian spy Vatican & Interpol, double agent

William (Bill) Gray


Cashiered, ex, US Navy Captain, snitch & mastermind 











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